Friday, November 20, 2009

Well, that's it... I've become a blogger. What else can I do in my life that I said I would never do. I guess this is what happens when you get old. I have been working in the professional video industry for over 15 years now, and I just can't help but want to help young aspiring video editors as well as hobbyists. I suppose many don't want my help, but, well, they don't have to take it if they don't want it. Just so you know, my plan is to try to post some interesting tips, facts and such about video editing, videography, lighting, audio editing, video and audio software and equipment each day. Well, I'll do my best to put something up every day, but please don't give up on me if I miss a day or two. Additionally, be aware that some days I'll cater to hobbyists and others to professionals... and sometimes in between (prosumers). So be patient while I figure this whole blogging thing out, and I'll do my best to give you some useful stuff every day. Also, feel free to send me information or to request my thoughts on a certain subject that you are struggling with at this very moment. I feel sure that my colleagues and I will be able to supply you with some quality advice for almost any issue. Alright blog addicts, that's it for now. I'll look forward to seeing y'all here tomorrow as I begin with the basics... affordable cameras.

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